I. Description of Breakerolene steel Paste
- Breakerolene is a specially designed grease used forlubricating the wear bushings of hydraulic breakers. Itprevents cold welding in the area of the bushings.Standard greases (i.e, those used on excavator bearings)are not designed for the high temperatures that resultfrom the friction between the working tool, bushings andretainer bars when the hydraulic breaker is in operation.They liquefy and disappear. Without greasing, the partsinvolved in the friction will suffer from accelerated wear.
- People.Passion.
II. Performance of breakerolene
- Steel paste
- Excellent performance at high temperature
- Tailor made for breakers
- Less wear Long tool life
- Reduced cost of operation
III. Features of breakerolene steel paste:
- Excellent EP (ExtremePressure) properties andgood release effect
- Temperature range from-20°C to +1100°C / -4°Fto +2012°F
- Age-resistant composition
- Breakerolene is availableon CP-Lube.
IV. Benefts of breakerolene steel paste:
• The solids content (speciallythe metal content) acts as a ballbearing, resulting in considerablyless wear on the bushings andworking tools.
• You can work with your breakerlong, continuous periods, evenin warmer climates, with thesteel paste keeping its protectiveproperties.
• No need to replace greasecartridges after long idle periodsof the breaker. Breakerolenekeeps their protective properties,even when breaker is usedoccasionally.
• Fast and clean change ofcartridges on the CP-Lubelubrication system, when you runout of steel paste.

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